Google’s Generative AI and Botcopy: A Dynamic Duo in the Making?

Rob Lubow
2 min readMar 29, 2023


Exploring Botcopy’s Potential as an Essential Layer for Government and Enterprise Conversational AI.

OKAY, HERE WE GO. Botcopy’s takeaway on Google’s Gen App Builder is that you can combine Google’s generative AI with structured flows, granular control, and fulfillment.

This news matters because Dialogflow CX agents will potentially be much more powerful, user-friendly, and easier to build.

For enterprise and the public sector, the Botcopy web chat UI layer is essential in rounding out your LLM-powered Google CCAI stack for ADA compliance, cloud security, and intelligent front-end interactions — for example, reacting to a website or user behaviors, context-aware responses, personalizing recommendations, and dynamic content changes.

Top three industries that will benefit from Botcopy + Dialogflow CX + Google’s Generative AI

(Partial list)

  1. Government and public services: Must ensure accessibility with ADA 2.1 AA compliance and strict security and data privacy standards.
  2. Healthcare: Must meet strict regulations like HIPAA in the U.S. demand secure handling of patients’ health info and compliance with privacy standards.
  3. Education: Must meet FERPA in the U.S. to protect students’ privacy, meet ADA compliance, and offer custom interactions tailored to educational contexts.

A custom web chat UI for Dialogflow CX is critical for all of the above. While not all small businesses/organizations and hobbyists may need such a stringent web chat UI when tooling around with Gen App Builder, some will. So you’re welcome to fire-up Botcopy on one of our entry-level plans.

Meanwhile, for the more prominent players, a world of futuristic possibilities is erupting into the present — intelligent enterprise and public sector teams have every reason to expect massive success.

To learn more about how to get started on this journey, set up a call with Botcopy. Things are moving quickly. So will we on your behalf.

In addition to being an enterprise SaaS for Dialogflow web chat and live chat, we offer a red-carpet service arm to help you get started.

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Get our free eBook, The Ultimate Contact Center AI Setup

Further reading on how LLMs are only the tip of the iceberg



Rob Lubow

Cofounder @ Botcopy, a SaaS that connects Google Cloud Dialogflow to a whip-smart web chat that’s quickly becoming the UI of choice for enterprises worldwide.